We work hard to enrich our community’s educational opportunities and the employment of educators. Below are some of our past programs...
Art Classes
Art Workshops for Kids, Teens and Adults. By partnering with ArtStrong, we have brought art workshops to kids of all ages, classes for kids with Autism, and Teen Art Portfolio.
Teen Art Portfolio gives the local teens a chance to work on their college portfolios with guidance from artists and art educators and later showcases their work, which in turn receives valuable feedback. We have received a QCA grant to give scholarships to 10 local high school students.
Artist opportunities to hold free workshops open to the public: Weaving, sewing, creating a self-portrait, clay workshops, and creating light sculptures from recycled materials.
Working with Local Schools
We work with local schools to create and provide an enriching learning experience. Some past projects include:
PS/IS 78 grades 1-5 with our artists created a gigantic, beautiful tapestry comprised of 350 flags representing each child's idea of what brings them inner peace.
PS/IS 78 grades 5-7 created sculptures of local animals & their habitats using recycled materials.
Middle School postcard exhibition with postcard sized drawings representing what they feel is needed in their neighborhood.
La Guardia College/Queens College Internship Program - “The Lab” works with Fine Art majors to teach them life experience in their majors.
The Middle School Showcase raised money for its arts program from selling an impressive number of sculptures and paintings from our gallery.
Provided space and feedback for final thesis presentation for The High School for Architecture and Design.
Emerging Curators Program with the local project
Emerging Curators is an open call invitation to independent curators who may not have had opportunities to present a project to an audience, or first time curators to submit a Project/Exhibition proposal to be part of The Local Project’s exhibition calendar. This program will provide the curator with an exhibition space, guidance in marketing, a stipend and a printed catalog.
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