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In Motion

Art of the Motorcycle

Curated by

Mark Velazquez and Edjo Wheeler


Free, Indoor Art Exhibition.

On View: August 5 - September 10 during gallery hours, Thursday-Friday, 5-9pm, and Saturday & Sunday, 2-9pm

This exhibition will showcase the vibrant and dynamic world of motorcycles as art, featuring works of all mediums of art that explore machines with two wheels and a motor. Eight custom hand-built motorcycles will be on display in the gallery accompanying the fine art.


Schedule subject to change. For the latest schedule updates, follow Culture Lab LIC on Facebook and Instagram.


Culture Lab LIC is a nonprofit organization. This exhibition is part of our mission to bring the arts, in all forms, to the LIC community we serve. If you'd like to help, by volunteering, donating or becoming a member, visit

Today, Sunday, September 10, is the final day for our exhibition, "IN MOTION: THE ART OF THE MOTORCYLE." 

Join us for a Closing Celebration tonight, 6-8pm. Free admission. Meet the artists. One last chance to see this great show! 

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